Cathy Sexton, Productivity & Profit Specialist for small business,
Women Earning Power in the Marketplace SM
Their Challenges, Courage
Background Artwork by Leslie Faust,
What We Do
We invite women to meet and learn of the activities of other women, expand our networks, Do Business With Women®, make more money, and have more fun.
Publications include:
St. Louis Women On The Move, a bi-monthly online magazine,
Do Business With Women® Directory, formerly the Women’s Yellow Pages of Greater St. Louis,
Blogging for St. Louis’ Do Business With Women® Directory.
Networking lunches (2 a month) when Covid-19 permits.

Photo Credit: The Ladue News
Who Jan Is
Jan is a woman of many accomplishments. She is Vice President of Programming for the St. Louis Press Club and a long time advocate for women’s equality. She is a musician who played a solo recital at Carnegie Recital Hall in New York. Now she is providing a voice for many wonderful, competitive women in St Louis.
Janet Scott
Feature on Jan in Ladue News Magazine:
Publisher Do Business With Women® Directory and St. Louis Women On The Move Magazine
Professor Emerita, SIUE
- 1976 Washington University, M.M.
- 1958 Washington University, B.A.
Professional Organizations
- 2004 - Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW)
- 1994 - 01 Rotary International, University City (President 1996-97, 1999-01)
- 1992 - 2007 National Association of Women’s Yellow Pages (President 1998-00)
- renamed Women’s Regional Publications of America (Pres-elect 2006-07)
- 1989 - 93 National Society of Fund Raising Executives
- 1988 - 94 American Symphony Orchestra League
- 1977 - Flute Society of St. Louis, Founding member
- 1973 - National Flute Association, Charter member
- 1956 - Musician’s Association of St. Louis, Local 2-197, A. F. of M.
- 1955 - Mu Phi Epsilon, Professional Music Fraternity
Positions of Leadership
- 2014 - Vision 2020 delegate
- 2014 - 17 4th International Vice President, Music Advisor, Mu Phi Epsilon, Professional Music Fraternity
- 2014 Lifelong Learning Advisory Council, UMSL
- 2007 - Board of Press Club of Metropolitan St. Louis, VP Programming (2016 - 2021)
- 2006 - 2010 Univ. Missouri-St. Louis, Advisory Board, Institute for Women’s & Gender Studies
- 2005 - Musician’s Association of St. Louis, Local 2 - 197, A. F. of M., Executive Board
- 2002 - Founding member and board member of the Alliance on the Status of Missouri Women, renamed Women's Policy Alliance which published the Missouri Women’s Report released in March of 2012. President (2013 - )
- 2001 - American Association of University Women, St. Louis Branch (President 2001 - 03) Co-president 2012 - AAUW-Missouri state board, IBC StL chair (2002 - 03/2014-16), Public Policy (2004-05) state newsletter layout (2006 - 07), AAUW-Resolutions Committee (2006 - 07) Missouri State President-Elect (2015-16) Missouri State President (2016 - 2018)
- 2001 - Mu Phi Epsilon alumni (President 2001-2003) 4th National Vice President (2016 - 2018)
- 2001 - Missouri Women’s Network, Equality Day Committee
- 2005 - 06 Coro Women In Leadership Alumni Assn. (alum relations/directory)
- 1996 - 98 Univ. Missouri-St. Louis, Bd of Gov. Women’s Studies
- 1992 - National Association of Women’s Yellow Pages, (Treasurer 1996 - 97, President-Elect 1997 - 98, President 1998 - 00, Past President 2000 - 01) renamed Women’s Regional Publications of America (Pres-elect 2006) WRPA is presently inactive
- 1988 - 93 American Symphony Orchestra League, Chairman of Meeting Group X
- 1990 - 94 Southern Illinois Arts Council, Board, Vice President (1992 - 3)
- 1984 - Gateway Festival Orchestra, Board, President/General Manager (1984 - 93)
- 1985 - 91 SIUE Faculty Club, President
- 1980 - 85 Board of Directors, Musician’s Association of St. Louis, Local 2-197, A.F.M.
- 2016 Barbara Lackritz Award -AAUW St. Louis InterBranch Council recognition
- 2011 Trailblazer Award, UMSL, women who were the first to occupy positions traditionally held by men, or were trailblazers in their fields, or who have made noteworthy contributions to the university, their profession or both.
- 2009 Owen Miller award by Musician’s Association of St. Louis, Local 2-197, AFM
- 2007 Woman of Worth by Older Women’s League
- 2007 Quest Award for distinguished achievement in communications, Missouri Professional Communicators
- 2006 One of Twenty-Six recognized by Women’s Support and Community Services who had helped St. Louis women make significant life transformations
- 2006 Wall of Fame awarded by the Grace Hill Women’s Business Center
- 2001 SBA Women In Business Advocate, Region VII, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa
- 2000 SBA Women In Business Advocate for the State of Missouri
- 1999 Women’s Equality Day Honoree, Missouri Women’s Network
- 1998 Distinguished Volunteer Award for Program-Based Service, UM - St. Louis
- 1997 Risk Taker Award, Finalist, Small Business Monthly, Small Business Network
- 1991 CORO Women in Leadership
- 1968-70 SIUE Research Scholar, "Edit and Prepare Flute and Piccolo Music in the John F. Kiburz Collection."
Get in Touch With Us
Have a topic we should cover? Contact me at [email protected]

Kathy Lambert, CEO, Co-Founder,